Air India Express, India’s first international budget airline, has renewed its registration under the prestigious IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) programme following an internationally benchmarked audit carried out by IATA. The registration has been renewed after a rigorous assessment of the operational management and control systems of the airline.
One of the first on-site audits post-pandemic:
Conducted by IATA auditors, this was one of the first on-site audits post-pandemic. The audit covers approximately 1,000 standards and recommended practices related to the safety of operations, as well as maintenance and engineering and the procedures of the airline.
Mr Aloke Singh, CEO, Air India Express, says “We are happy to have renewed our IOSA registration, particularly as we look to an expansion of our fleet and network soon. This success is further testimony to the fact that Air India Express meets the international benchmarks for operational safety, and follows global industry best practices”. Air India Express operates short and medium-haul international routes, connecting many smaller towns of India directly to the Gulf and South-East Asia regions, with a fleet of 24 Boeing 737-800 aircraft.
TATA Group Take Over in January:
The Tata Group took over Air India from the Government of India on 27th January 2022, and Air India Express is also a part of the group now. The Airline has won many awards including the prestigious ‘Wings India Award 2022’, constituted by the Ministry of Civil Aviation and FICCI, in recognition of its efforts to ensure business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic.