On Thursday, a Vistara flight heading for Amritsar with 146 passengers experienced a technical issue and returned to the Delhi airport shortly after taking off. The technical snag was discovered on flight UK 697 from Delhi to Amritsar, according to a Vistara spokesperson.
The pilots chose to fly around as a precaution and landed safely at the International Gandhi International Airport, Delhi. The airline said it was just a cautious turnaround, not an emergency landing.
After a technical examination, another aircraft was scheduled to carry the passengers to Amritsar, which took off at 13.30 hours. “Passengers will be inconvenienced greatly. Our main concern is the safety of our customers and employees,” the airline’s spokesperson said to the media.
Vistara CEO Wrote an Open Letter to Customers
Meanwhile, Vistara CEO Vinod Kannan promised to improve the airline’s services in an open letter to the customers. The letter appears to be the result of a slew of recent customer complaints. “I admit that we fell short on this commitment in the last few months and did not live up to your expectations. Knowing that you have been inconvenienced and disappointed with our services has been heart-breaking for the entire Vistara family and me,” he said in the letter.
He reminded customers that Vistara has focused on redefining air travel in India by breaking new ground and setting new standards in customer experience since its inception. “We have always wanted to make flying an experience that is not transactional, but a joyous and memorable ‘new feeling’, which we were able to deliver and win millions of hearts,” he said.
“I know how our recent flight disruptions would have altered your plans, and how frustrating it would have been for you to hold the phone line for a long time to speak to our customer service representatives - or how disappointed you would have been when your choice of meal or beverages were not served on some occasions,” he continued.
“I am aware that our website and the mobile app couldn’t offer targeted solutions to some of the problems you faced. And I also understand that your on-ground experience may not have been up to your expectations in some instances,” CEO said in the letter.