The passengers who plan for New Year travel may check out AirAsia India’s new year offer. Dubbed as ‘New Year, New Places’ sale, the passengers can get air ticket tariff from as low as Rs 1,122 for routes like Chennai-Hyderabad, Chennai-Bengaluru and Bengaluru-Chennai, in addition to similar discounted sale fares across its network. The offer can be helpful, especially for people who wish to visit their home towns on these routes.
The offer is applicable for bookings made from December 27 to December 31, 2021, but can be used for a travel period between January 15 2022, to April 15, 2022. There is also a waiver on the date change fee for changes made at least 72 hours prior to the flight departure. For changes made within 72 hours of departure, standard charges will apply. If there is any fare difference involved, those would be applicable.
“The offer is applicable for bookings made from December 27 till December 31, 2021, for a travel period between January 15, 2022, to April 15, 2022, and includes a date change fee waiver for changes made at least 72 hours prior to the flight departure,” the airline said.
The offers are only applicable on AirAsia India (i5) network flights. The passengers cannot club these offers with any other promotions. Passengers can book flights with these offers on its official website, via its mobile app and through other major booking channels.
SpiceJet announces Wow Winter Sale
SpiceJet was another airline that launched a similar offer. The airline has announced one-way fares for as low as Rs 1,122 (all-inclusive) on destinations such as Chennai-Bengaluru, Jammu-Srinagar, Bengaluru-Chennai, Chennai-Hyderabad, amongst others on its domestic network. Besides the fee waiver for the date change and low fare, SpiceJet also offers a complimentary flight voucher worth Rs 500 with every sale fare booking for their next travel and a flat 25% instant discount on add-ons such as SpiceMax, preferred seats and priority services.