MakeMyTrip (MMT), one of the leading travel and accommodation booking online platforms has partnered with the Civil Aviation Ministry of India. The partnership will focus on boosting regional air connectivity under the UDAN scheme. According to a PTI report, MMT will now power UDAN flights on the AirSewa portal. MMT will be displaying the flights on the AirSewa portal on its platform to boost visibility and product/service discovery. UDAN is a government initiative that is meant to boost regional air connectivity in India.
There are a ton of offline franchisee retail stores of MakeMyTrip in India which will also market the UDAN flights to travellers.
Quoting Minister for Civil Aviation, Jyotiraditya M Scindia, the statement said, “As the RCS-UDAN scheme completes four successful years - our enabling policies, incentives and partnerships with leading travel players will only improve air connectivity for the common man at affordable airfares on regional and remote routes.”
Commenting on the partnership, MakeMyTrip Founder and Executive Chairman Deep Kalra said, “UDAN is a first of its kind scheme globally and has immensely contributed to domestic aviation market growth. We are privileged to work closely with the government to promote regional air connectivity through online and offline travel channels and contribute towards Indian Aviation's transformation under the dynamic and bold leadership of honourable minister.”