If you are a frequent flyer, you might already have a credit card which helps you earn flyer miles. If not, then you might be looking for one. Regardless of whether you have one or not, a good credit card which offers tons of benefits and flyer miles should not be ignored. The Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card is one such card. If you are not into a loyalty program of an airline, the frequent flying can be very costly. You need a card which can earn you flyer miles to ensure you don't burn your pockets every time you board a flight.
Chase Sapphire Reserve is a credit card which will offer you reward points whenever you make a purchase from it. The annual fee of the card is $550 if you are thinking about signing up. In case an add-on cardholder is also there, a $75 charge will be applied for each person. You can sign-up for the card through the bank's website by providing all of your necessary documents. If you are travelling and dining outside, you are likely to earn many rewards. The points you earn with the card are very flexible and also transferable in case you want to. This card has many perks. Let's take a look at them.
Benefits of Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card
So one of the benefits of the Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card is that it is not just a simple card which offers only reward points. But, if you are someone who likes to have insurance while travelling, you will love this card. With the Chase Sapphire Reserve card, you can claim travel insurance whenever you are flying. Along with this, you can also get discounts in many hotels while booking rooms. If you love spending time at the airport lounges, know that using this card you get complimentary access to international airport lounges as well. If you spend $12,000 or more, then the card will offer you many benefits which include both dinings outside and travel perks. Along with this, you also get a $300 annual reimbursement for travelling expenses on the date of the anniversary of your account. One of the best things about this card is that there are no foreign transaction fees.
Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Cards Rewards
People holding the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit cards can earn unlimited 3x points on travel and dining expenses. With all the other purchases, 1x points and 10x points on money spent on Lyft services. After you have spent the first $4000 with your Reserve card in the first three months of signing up for it, you can claim up to 50,000 Chase Ultimate Reward points. The value of these 50,000 points is $750 and even $1,000 when the points are transferred to travel partners. In addition to all this, you get VIP-style travel perks included.
Redemption of Reward Points
There are three ways in which you can redeem these points. First, you can transfer all the reward points to the 13 travel partners the bank has and book travel tickets. The redemption rate for this will be 1.75 cents per reward point. Second is that you can use these reward points to book hotels while travelling or for dining outside. The conversion rate for this will be 1.5 cents per reward point. The last option that you have is to redeem these points in exchange for cash. The conversion rate for this will be 1 cent per reward point. Thus your card will effectively turn into a cash-back card for travelling and dining expenses.