DGCA, in an interim order dated 27 July, has restricted Spicejet to 50% of the number of departures approved under Summer Schedule 2022 for a period of 8 weeks from the date of issue of the order.
DGCA observed that on a number of occasions, the aircraft either turned back to its originating station or continued landing to the destination with degraded safety margins. There is poor internal safety oversight and inadequate maintenance actions, which have resulted in degradation of the safety margins.
Financial assessment carried out by DGCA in September 2021 has revealed that the airline is operating on cash and carry, and supplies/approved vendors are not being paid on regular basis leading to the shortage of spares and frequent invoking of MELs. (Minimum Equipment Lists)
Spicejet's Response to show case notice:
Spicejet has replied to the show case notice, and the same has been reviewed by DGCA at appropriate level. DGCA observed that Spicejet is taking measures for arresting the trend of incidents, however, the airline needs to sustain these efforts for safe and reliable air transport service.
DGCA Inspections:
DGCA has performed various spot checks, inspections and submitted its reply to the show cause notice submitted by Spicejet in this interim order.
Spicejet needs to demonstrate sufficient technical support and financial resource to operate beyond 50%:
During these eight weeks period, Spicejet shall be subjected to "Enhanced Surveillance" by DGCA. The airline, during this period, for any increase in the number of departures beyond 50% of the number of departures approved under Summer Schedule 2022, shall be subject to demonstrating to the satisfaction of DGCA that the airline has sufficient technical support and financial resource to safely and efficiently undertake enhanced capacity.