What to Do When Your Flight Gets Cancelled: Refunds, Alternates and Options Explained

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Flight travel and the aviation industry prides itself on its reliability, top-notch customer experience and fast travel. However, even while travelling with the best airlines in the world there is always a slim chance of your flight getting cancelled due to unprecedented reasons, faulty aviation system or bad weather. Although, many of us have been fortunate enough to not face this situation, if you are a frequent traveller then it is always a good call to have things figured out beforehand. In that case, if your flight is cancelled or if you are disappointed by the airlines then you will have plenty of options and it will save you a lot of anxiety and panic.

If unfortunately, you are caught in a situation where your flight is suddenly cancelled then you are likely to feel a little cheated and stranded. However, worry not, there are some things that you can do or follow to make your situation better, find alternative options and save yourselves from unnecessary hassle. Also, If you think that you are flight reservation money has entirely gone down the drain then it is definitely not the case, there are always options to get a refund from the airlines, and in some cases, additional services too. So, without further ado, read to know more about what to do when your flight gets cancelled.

Get Familiar With Your Passenger Rights

There are a set of passenger rights pertaining to flight cancellation and denial of boarding for passengers which passengers must know very well. As per the guidelines laid down by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), if your flight is cancelled by the airlines without any prior information or conveying an alternate or if boarding is denied to a passenger on a confirmed flight ticket at a certain flight time, then the airline owes a cancellation refund to the passenger. It is always good to check with the airlines, call the relevant numbers and contact someone at the airport to initiate your refund at once, in case you face a similar situation.

Ask for an Alternative Reservation

If you are caught in an emergency situation and you are travelling under urgency then it definitely makes sense for you to demand an alternative reservation from the authorities when your flight is cancelled. If you are ever caught in a similar situation, then do not move from the queue instead demand the authorities to book a seat on a flight on your behalf to your destination in a connecting or a direct flight.

Use Applications to Track Flights and Schedules

When you are stranded in an airport, then your phone will be your best friend. Make sure you have an active internet connection, stay in touch with your friends and install applications like flight board and gate guru. These apps will help you keep track of upcoming flights, their arrival time, departure time and even airport layouts. The apps will also help you in getting the best car rentals as well. You can also use apps like refundme.in which will help you initiate your flight refunds easily.

Ask for Meal Vouchers or Hotel Compensations

If the airlines have accommodated you on a flight scheduled for departure the next day, or on a flight which leaves a few hours after your original departure time, then we would suggest that you ask the airline for the best meal and hotel accommodation available. Also, it is always a good idea to stay nearby the airport in a hotel provided by the airlines, with the other passengers so that you do not have to travel from afar.

Use Social Media Pragmatically

Social media is a big tool and platform for the brands and airlines are no exception to this rule. In case you are ever caught up in a situation where your flight is cancelled then we will urge you to share your experience online in various travel groups and your social circles. This will help the people to know what to expect from a particular airline while travelling. Also, you can use the micro-blogging platform Twitter to write to the official handle of the particular airline in case you do not get a satisfactory response from the officials at the airport. Since almost all airlines have got eyes online, they will make sure to reach out to you.

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