The retired staff of Air India can now finally take a sigh of relief after the Civil Aviation Minister of India, Jyotiraditya Scindia assured to take care of the medical facilities provided to the retired employees. Earlier the acquisition of Air India by Tata Group created a situation of uncertainty among the retired staff in regards to the medical facilities that are availed to them under the current policies of Air India.
The Letter by Shiv Sena MP
The assurance to take measures by Jyotiraditya Scindia came in response to the letter by Shiv Sena Rajya Sabha MP Priyanka Chaturvedi. She wrote a letter on October 20, 2021, to the Civil Aviation Minister in which she said that she was writing the letter to bring his attention to a matter of concern. She said that it was brought to her notice that many retired employees of Air India are not covered by any Mediclaim insurance. Pilots, engineers, cabin crew, catering staff, ground handling staff, administrative staff, medical staff, commercial and other departmental staff who have devoted years of their lives to Air India are now left without any concrete medical support.
She further added that the situation was quite worrying as the retired employees do not have any medical insurance benefits. She added that the privatization of Air India has made the situation more critical and she requested the minister to look into the matter and take adequate actions.
Jyotiraditya Scindia was quick in sending out a response and affirmed the importance of the situation. He assured the MP that required actions will be taken very soon and the modalities to work out the scenario is already on the go. He gave assurance that Civil Aviation Ministry is dedicated to providing retired staff of Air India the needed medical facilities.
Parenthetically, both Jyotiraditya Scindia and Priyanka Chaturvedi used to be colleagues in the Congress party before Chaturvedi left the party before the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections to join Shiv Sena.